North Georgia Barbershop Singers Quartets

North Georgia Barbershop Singers is proud to have the following quartets associated with our chorus.  We endorse all of them as excellent singers and entertainers, suitable for any occasion...

Pickup Sticks

Pickup Sticks
The Pickup Sticks barbershop quartet is made up of four mid-western guys, not born here, but who made it to Georgia as soon as they could. Looking at us from left to right is Bob Hitch, tenor from Indiana, Ivan Cottrell, bass from Michigan, Tom Riggle, lead from Michigan, and Fred Kanel, baritone from Minnesota. These men have been singing together as a quartet for seven years now. They are all members of the North Georgia Barbershop Singers chorus based in Cumming.
General public contact: Tom Riggle

Area of operation: Lake Lanier - Georgia
State: GA

400 North

400 North
400 North quartet was organized in 2021 by singers from various places along a 30-mile stretch of Georgia 400 North. Singing opportunities diminished to near zero during Covid, and job conflicts caused our bass to leave the quartet. It was resurrected just this year when bass Phil joined us, and our members now extend along an even longer stretch of Georgia 400, with tenor Jake from Alpharetta, lead Andy from Cumming, baritone Fred from Dahlonega and bass Phil from Cleveland, Georgia. We hope you enjoy our music today.
Area of operation: Lake Lanier - Georgia
State: GA

North Georgia Blend

North Georgia Blend
General public contact: Dan Sullivan
Area of operation: Lake Lanier - Georgia
State: GA

Firehouse Harmony Four

Firehouse Harmony Four
The Firehouse Harmony 4 is composed of four friends from the former Roswell Chapter of BHS. Vern Otwell sings bass. He has over 40 years of barbershop experience. He has dabbled occasionally with the other harmony parts in different Singing Valentines quartets but has always been a bass at heart. Richard Collier sings baritone. He started singing barbershop as a tenor in the '70s then, in the '80s, he transitioned to lead in numerous quartets and directed the Lafayette, Indiana Tippecanotes chorus. He says he is now having a blast singing bari. He would try bass but he doesn't have the range for that. Richard Sukoff sings lead. He has been singing barbershop for 22 years. He sings with two barbershop choruses, but this is the first quartet he has sung with. Jake Overton sings tenor. He is a third generation barbershopper, who only began singing in earnest 25 years ago. He has been in numerous quartets and choruses over that span.
The Firehouse Harmony 4 would like to sing for your entertainment needs. Please contact Richard Sukoff at or call 678-848-5115
Area of operation: Lake Lanier - Georgia
State: GA

Phil 'N The Blanks

Phil 'N The Blanks
General public contact: Andy Doetsch

Area of operation: Lake Lanier - Georgia
State: Georgia

Summer Breeze

Summer Breeze
General public contact: Andy Doetsch

Area of operation: Lake Lanier - Georgia
State: Georgia